Monday 2 April 2012

Movie Poster Research

Throughout all my horror movie poster research, I found common ground. All have one very central focused image, that is clear, concise and eye catching. The title of the film is then very clearly displayed in bold font, generally at the bottom of the poster where the credits lie. Below the credits, I found most posters included a date of release for the film, distribution/production logos and sometimes even a website for the film. Most posters also have a tagline for their film, displayed clearly on the image, in a place careful not to intrude into the main focus of the image, or even sometimes, right at the top of the poster. These conventions I found through research, I have decided to definitely continue and maybe even develop during the production of my movie poster. 

Empire Magazine Cover Research

During my research of empire covers, I found that it was not common for empire to display horror films on their front cover. This cover displaying ‘new moon’ was the closest I could find to a ‘horror cover’. I noted the bold use of the red masthead against the darker background, and above the central image, which must be clear and eye catching. I also noted the way in which the smaller articles were positioned around the outside of the image, careful not to intrude onto the main focus of the image. I also found that empire more than often position their price and date within the ‘M’ for Empire, a convention I decided I will definitely follow. Their use of red and white, picked up from the masthead is furthered as colour choice throughout the whole magazine cover, and works very well against the black background of the image; also a good choice of colours as red and white against black backgrounds, could connote the horror genre.